Muffin Tops and Mayhem

This is it…don’t get scared now

I woke up this morning feeling sick. A sunny bank holiday stretched out before me and I knew that I was running out of excuses to hold back from publishing my website.

I lay in bed thinking about the draft posts that I had written. I was happy with them, or, as happy as anyone can be with something that they have created. The feedback was positive from people whose opinion mattered. Why was I so stressed?

In moments of turmoil I turn to my favourite game: “What’s the worst that can happen?” If I can deal with the worst possible scenario then I can probably deal with the rest.

The game unfolded like this:

  1. Everyone is going to post horrible comments on your blog telling you that you’re fat. Answer: they’d be right but I’m doing something about it.

Another thought has been gnawing away at me recently. I have spent the last 15 years telling my daughters that “what goes on the internet stays on the internet” and here I am considering baring my sole to the world (or at least my barmy friend’s book club).

I’m driving myself demented with fear. I have to stop this and click the ‘publish’ button.

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