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Week 10 – Photos

For the first time I have sat in front of my keyboard and felt blank. I have a rising feeling of nausea.

Before I add my photos I need to explain a few things. When I started, 10 weeks ago, I had absolutely no intention of writing a blog. The prospect of sharing my progress photos, even with Luke (who sees me lycra clad and grimacing on a regular basis), made me feel ashamed.

I was ashamed that I’d ignored my body for so long; ashamed that I was fat; ashamed that I’d done so many diets and failed so many times.

Looking back it was almost like I’d been conditioned to believe that it was impossible to “lose that stubborn belly fat”. But that is exactly what the diet industry wants us to believe because if we keep failing we will keep trying (and buying) the next fad diet.

But this time I was determined it was going to be different. For the first time ever I wasn’t interested in ‘losing weight and getting thin’. I have been entirely focussed on getting fit, strong and doing everything in my power to reduce my risk of cancer.

After 2.5 months/10 weeks/70 days of applying myself consistently, working hard, pushing myself to do an extra 5 reps (when I want to stop) and eating healthily this is what happened:

I accept that the angles aren’t the same – I didn’t start using body tracker for photos until week 2. No one was ever supposed to see the ‘Day 1’ photo – it was only taken so that I could see how much I’d changed.

At the start I was 11st 6lbs; on day 70 I was 10st 12lbs. That’s a fat loss of 8lbs but I suspect that I have gained a similar amount in muscle.

I still have a long way to go but finally I can see the light at the end of my 18 year tunnel.




    Bloody brilliant! I completely agree that we should all focus of cherishing and nurturing our bodies rather than focusing on an generally unobtainable goal of a “bikini ready” body.
    Your hard work and diligence shows!

    • muffintopsandmayhem muffintopsandmayhem

      Thank you so, so much. I’m so grateful to you for talking so openly about your own fitness path and setting me on mine. xxx

  2. Emma Curtis Emma Curtis

    Woohoo! Well done. First, you look fantastic, when I read that you had lost 8 or 9lbs I wondered how much of a difference there would actually be to see but your progress is really impressive, as is your courage and honesty. I have loads of ‘before’ photos, but they are all ‘before I got a little bit fatter’! You are very inspiring and maybe I too will have an after photo I want to share thanks to you!

    • muffintopsandmayhem muffintopsandmayhem

      Thank you so much for your comment. I couldn’t agree more about the ‘before’ photos. I haven’t let people take photos of me for the last 18 years because I simply couldn’t bear to see the reality of how I looked. If you do nothing else find the ‘little wins’ in your day; drink an extra glass of water or stop and do a bit of stretching. It all helps. xxx

  3. Catherine Badham Catherine Badham

    This is so impressive! Both the changes in your body and the massive bollocks for sharing it.
    It’s so amazing to see a normal (slow but significant) before and after.
    I have seen so many ‘I went from a 16 to a 10 in 31 days by doing this (ridiculously dangerous and unsustainable nonsense) diet’ So it’s heartening to see something more real. Thank you xx

    • muffintopsandmayhem muffintopsandmayhem

      Thank you so much. I absolutely agree about the unachievable promises of the diet industry. I have bought into the ‘fat to fit in x days’ before.

      I can honestly say that this time I have worked my socks off for 10 weeks and these are my results. There is nothing out there for women our age to be able to gauge what it truly achievable because we are fed so many lies. On the one hand we are told that we can get a bikini body quickly and on the other we are told that it is impossible to lose fat at ‘our age’.

      The one thing I have learnt is that losing ‘weight’ is a complete misnomer. You will lose weight if you lose a limb in an accident because your weight includes bone and muscle. In terms of obesity, and yes I do consider that I was obese, it’s all about fat loss which isn’t easily measured by a ‘weight’ scales.

      I’m writing a post on this very subject at the mo but it has to go over to Luke to be checked before being posted – because the one thing that I an very clear about is that everything on my site must be honest. There is far too much bullshit out there.


    • muffintopsandmayhem muffintopsandmayhem

      Thank you so much!

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