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The trauma of writing a blog

I’ve taken a break from writing for the last couple of days for two reasons; I was putting myself under pressure to write about each day as it happened and I wanted to step back and make sure that I was absolutely, definitely ok with doing this.

In relation to the first reason, I have decided that I’m not going to even attempt to write about each day as it happens. It’s too stressful for me and I think that it will end up being boring.

I’m working on posting all of my daily journals in the progress section. I’m currently doing battle with the interaction between my ipad and pc. It is making me mental. I’ve spend the last couple of days trying to decide whether to replace my decrepit laptop with another windows laptop or to switch to a macbook. I think that I’ve read every article that has ever been written about the pros and cons of making the transition and I’m not sure that I’m any the wiser.

This ties in with my second reason for pausing for a couple of days – am I actually going to continue with this? If so, then I probably need to commit to the walled garden of Apple. I also need to make a decision about whether I’m prepared to share my progress photos.

This vexing question has been going around and around and around in my head until I can barely see straight.

If I don’t share them then I won’t actually demonstrate that what I’m doing works. It’s all very well to say “ooo I’ve lost 9 lbs” but a picture speaks a thousand words. And if I do share them, the world will see the horrible reality of my lardiness before I started training properly.

I just don’t know if that is something that I can live with.



  1. Catherine Badham Catherine Badham

    I don’t commit to anything. It’s has been the thread of my life and what I’ve learned, at the grand age of 43 is that I won’t change I am a flibbertygibbet. I’m OK with that.
    So please don’t ask too much of yourself. Blog when you feel it. If you don’t, we don’t believe it.
    Share what you want. When you want.
    But don’t put too much on yourself.
    We all do that enough. We don’t need that. Not from you.

    • muffintopsandmayhem muffintopsandmayhem

      Madame B the last thing I would every describe you as is a flibbertygibbet. I wobbled last night because I had to face the reality of it all. But a good night’s sleep and a brisk early morning walk cleared my head. Tomorrow is the end of week 10. It seems like a good point to unleash my before photos on the world :\. I am, as ever, eternally grateful for your support xxx

  2. Liz Coleman Liz Coleman

    I’m finding it so inspiring to follow your ups and downs. You’re very brave to keep going at the moment – I’m certainly struggling with eating well and exercising during lockdown whilst juggling work and home schooling. That you’re doing this and writing your blog is a credit to you. Do whatever feels right, if you feel uncomfortable sharing more then don’t be hard on yourself as you’ve already shared so much.

    • muffintopsandmayhem muffintopsandmayhem

      Liz, Thank you so much. You comments mean so much to me; it makes me feel so humbled that anyone might find my writing inspiring. It also makes me certain that I am doing the right thing by continuing. I did my end of week 10 progress photos this morning and they will be up on the site later. I want to present something real – there is so little about women of our age actually succeeding in positive body changes. Look for the little wins in your day and celebrate the things that you do well be it squeezing in a short walk or drinking an extra glass of water. xxx

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