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At 47 losing weight is impossible, isn’t it? The dreaded ‘M’ word hangs over women in their late 40s like an executioner’s axe. The associated hormone changes threaten to turn us into matronly ‘ships in full sail’ of the Mrs Doubtfire variety.

After 18 years of failing to lose the ‘baby weight’ (the ‘I’ve got small children’ excuse is a little implausible when they are old enough to drive) and having tried every ‘diet’ known to womankind there was only one thing left; to eat properly and exercise intelligently.

Towering over coffee tables at 5 feet tall and weighing in at 11st 6, I need to lose 2.5 stone – for the sake of my health.

Whatever I decided to do, it had to work with my lifestyle. I have a full time job, I run a business, I’m married, have two kids to feed, a dog to walk, parents who live next door (literally next door) and I barely have time to shave my armpits let alone arse about with psyllium husks and agave syrup.

A friend of mine recommended Luke Evans of Luke Evans Fitness, Luke and I met, talked about my goals – get stronger, get healthier and lose weight as a result – and he agreed to train me.

I have accurately and honestly photographed every single thing that I’ve eaten and recorded the exercises that I’ve done in a daily journal. You can find these on my ‘Progress’ page above.

My blog records the journey; the highs, the lows and the bits in-between.


OK so this week I’ve cut the regular starting photo in with the current Side Quest photo for no other reason than it’s a better photo. By which I mean I look better in it. And by better I mean smaller.

I’ve still got at least another 12lbs to go.


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